2021-01-10 Sun 13:27

A Quick Glance Around Ecto v3 (ALPHA)

Ecto is the most popular persistence framework in Elixir Community.

In order to help more people to learn Ecto, I organize my personal notes, and publish them as a free online book.

Hope you guys like it!

1 Introduction

This book will act as a map of large numbers of docs, and guide you to glance over the main features of Ecto v3 by trying to construct the database layer of a blogging system.

If you want to have a deep insight of Ecto or more complicated use cases, you can read more in following materials:

Why do you take a blogging system as the example?

A blogging system is the system that everybody knows. Readers don't have to spend time to learn domain-specific things.

2 Prerequisites

Before reading this book, you should know how to write basic Elixir. That's all.

3 The Conventions

Conventions reduce the effort needed to read and understand.

3.1 Plain English

In order to help people as much as possible, I am trying to write this book in 7th-grade plain English.

English isn't my mother language. When you find any error, it would be nice if you can email me or create an issue.

3.2 The types of annotations

This is a question you will ask.

This a quote.

This a note.

This is a warning.

3.3 Notation of shell commands

The shell commands is prefixed by $ which is the default prompt for ordinary UNIX users.

For example:

$ ls -al ~

3.4 Reading official documents

When something has been explained in official documents, it won't be described again. I will guide you to read the related documents.

For example, when you see something like please read h Ecto.Schema, it means:

  • read docs in a terminal by typing h Ecto.Schema in IEx.
  • read docs in a web browser by visiting Ecto.Schema.

4 Setup Environments

Before moving on, we should ensure that fundamental environments are configured:

  • Elixir 1.10+ is installed
  • PostgreSQL is installed

There are lots of online tutorials about setting up environments, we won't describe them again.

5 Sample Application

Ecto is an Elixir library, it should be used in an Elixir project. Therefore, we should create a project before playing with Ecto.

5.1 Creating a mix project

Create a project called paper:

$ mix new paper --sup

The --sup option is required. It ensures that the generated application has a supervision tree, which is required by Ecto.

It's OK to run mix new without --sup option. But, you need to do more works later.

5.2 Adding dependencies

Two packages are required:

  • ecto_sql
  • postgrex - database adapter for PostgreSQL

Edit mix.exs:

defp deps do
    {:ecto_sql, "~> 3.0"},
    {:postgrex, ">= 0.0.0"}

Fetch dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

5.3 Setting up a Repo

5.3.1 running a Mix task

You may be wondering what a Repo is. Now, just think it as a normal Elixir module. We will explain it later.

Generating a Repo:

$ mix ecto.gen.repo -r Paper.Repo

Above command will output:

* creating lib/paper
* creating lib/paper/repo.ex
* creating config/config.exs
Don't forget to add your new repo to your supervision tree
(typically in lib/paper/application.ex):

{Paper.Repo, []}

And to add it to the list of ecto repositories in your
configuration files (so Ecto tasks work as expected):

config :paper,
ecto_repos: [Paper.Repo]

As you can see, it generates lib/paper/repo.ex:

defmodule Paper.Repo do
  use Ecto.Repo,
    otp_app: :paper,
    adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres

About the options:

  • :otp_app option indicates the location of Ecto configuration.
  • :adapter option indicates the database adapter.

5.3.2 adding rest configurations

Edit lib/paper/application.ex for adding Repo to supervision tree:

# ...
def start(_type, _args) do
  children = [
    # add repo to supervision tree
    {Paper.Repo, []}
  # ...
# ...

Edit config/config.exs for making Ecto related Mix tasks work as expected:

config :paper,
  ecto_repos: [Paper.Repo]

5.4 Creating database

$ mix ecto.create
The database for Paper.Repo has been created

5.5 (optional) Updating configurations for mix format

Ecto has additional formatting rules. In order to apply these rules, following content should be added.

Edit .formatter.exs for formatting general Elixir code:

# Used by "mix format"
  import_deps: [:ecto],
  inputs: ["*.{ex,exs}", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}", "priv/*/seeds.exs"],
  subdirectories: ["priv/*/migrations"]

Edit priv/repo/migrations/.formatter.exs for formatting migrations:

  import_deps: [:ecto_sql],
  inputs: ["*.exs"]

5.6 Last

Now, Ecto is ready to communicate with the database.

6 Sample Data Model

Before writing any code, we should design a data model first.

Our data model contains 5 tables:

  • authors
  • posts
  • tags
  • permalinks
  • comments

Their relationships are described in following figure:

Figure 1: Entity Relationship Diagram

The one-to-one relationship between posts and permalinks isn't necessary for most case, it's preserved for demonstration only.

7 The Structure Of Ecto

Ecto's real purpose is translating Elixir concepts into a database language, which is SQL in most cases.

– Programming Phoenix

Before talking about Ecto in details, we will introduce the structure of Ecto first. It let us have an overview of Ecto.

Ecto includes 6 main modules which are separated in 2 packages:

ecto package - contains the core functionalities:

  • Repo handles all the communications between Ecto and data store.
  • Schema provides DSL for mapping data source to Elixir structs.
  • Changeset provides functions for handling changes.
  • Query provides DSL for querying.
  • Multi controls transactions in a clean way.

ecto_sql package - provides SQL-based adapters and database migrations:

  • database-specified adapters, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL.
  • Migration provides DSL for tracking database changes in a clean way.

Why we just add ecto_sql when adding dependencies?

Because ecto is the dependency of ecto_sql, it's OK to add ecto_sql alone.

When talking about Schema, we are not saying database, but data source. That is because Schema can be used to map any data source to Elixir structs, not just database tables.

We have already known the structure of Ecto. Next, we will introduce them separately.

8 Ecto.Migration

Ecto.Migration helps developers to track database changes in a clean way.

8.1 What is a migration?

A migration is a file includes a set of instructions which changes database structure.

8.2 Creating migrations

Ecto provides a Mix task for generating a template for migrations:

$ mix ecto.gen.migration <migration name>

After executing above command, a new migration file containing a module with empty change function will be generated in priv/repo/migrations.

In relational database, there are 3 types of relationships:

name abbr.
one-to-one 1-1
one-to-many 1-N
many-to-many N-N

As we saw in Sample Data Model, we have four relationships, and they cover all types of relationships:

  • the relationship between authors and posts is one-to-many.
  • the relationship between posts and comments is one-to-many.
  • the relationship between posts and tags is many-to-many.
  • the relationship between posts and permalinks is one-to-one.

Next, we will take the sample data model as an example, and demonstrate how to create migrations for all of these relationships.

When creating a migration, we generally define following things:

  1. table names
  2. columns (name, type/reference, default value, null)
  3. indexes

8.2.1 build relationship between authors and posts (1-N)

As we said above:

  • one author has many posts.
  • one post belongs to one author.

Generate a migration file:

$ mix ecto.gen.migration assoc_authors_posts

Edit the generated migration file:

defmodule Paper.Repo.Migrations.AssocAuthorsPosts do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:authors) do
      add :name, :varchar, null: false
      add :bio, :text


    create unique_index(:authors, [:name])

    create table(:posts) do
      add :author_id, references(:authors, on_delete: :nilify_all)
      add :title, :varchar, null: false
      add :body, :text, null: false


Apply the new migration:

$ mix ecto.migrate

8.2.2 build relationship between posts and permalinks (1-1)

As we said above:

  • one post has one permalink.
  • one permalink belongs to one post.

Generate a migration file:

$ mix ecto.gen.migration assoc_posts_permalinks

Edit the generated migration file:

defmodule Paper.Repo.Migrations.AssocPostsPermalinks do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:permalinks) do
      add :post_id, references(:posts, on_delete: :delete_all), null: false
      add :url, :varchar, null: false


    create unique_index(:permalinks, [:url])

Apply the new migration:

$ mix ecto.migrate

8.2.3 build relationship between posts and comments (1-N)

As we said above:

  • one post has many comments.
  • one comment belongs to one post.

Generate a migration file:

$ mix ecto.gen.migration assoc_posts_comments

Edit the generated migration file:

defmodule Paper.Repo.Migrations.AssocPostsComments do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:comments) do
      add :post_id, references(:posts, on_delete: :delete_all), null: false
      add :email, :varchar, null: false
      add :nickname, :varchar, null: false
      add :body, :text, null: false


Apply the new migration:

$ mix ecto.migrate

8.2.4 build relationship between posts and tags (N-N)

As we said above:

  • one post has many tags.
  • one tag has many posts.

Generate a migration file:

$ mix ecto.gen.migration assoc_posts_tags

Edit the generated migration file:

defmodule Paper.Repo.Migrations.AssocPostsTags do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:tags) do
      add :name, :varchar, null: false


    create unique_index(:tags, [:name])

    create table(:posts_tags, primary_key: false) do
      add :post_id, references(:posts, on_delete: :delete_all), null: false
      add :tag_id, references(:tags, on_delete: :delete_all), null: false

    create unique_index(:posts_tags, [:post_id, :tag_id])
    create index(:posts_tags, [:post_id])
    create index(:posts_tags, [:tag_id])

Apply the new migration:

$ mix ecto.migrate

8.3 Applying migrations

We have introduced how to apply migration in above sections. Read more details at:

$ mix help ecto.migrate

8.4 Rolling back migrations

Read more details at:

$ mix help ecto.rollback

8.5 Available column types

When creating migrations, we have specified some column types, such as :varchar or :text. These data types supported by database can be used directly in migrations. And, data types with database-specific options can be used, too. Such as:

  • :"int unsigned"
  • :"time without time zone"

Besides, Ecto also maps primitive types to the appropriate database data types by the database adapters. Such as:

Ecto defines the mapping at ecto_sql package. For PostgreSQL, the details can be found here.

When using Ecto with PostgreSQL, I would like to use :varchar and :text, instead of :string.

  • :varchar for one line text
  • :text for multiple lines text

In PostgreSQL, the performance of them is the same.

8.6 Adding index

Read more details at h Ecto.Migration.index.

8.7 The options of references

Ecto.Migration.references have two options which should be explained here - :on_delete and :on_update.

The official docs don't talk much about them. But, we can know the details by reading related source code and corresponding docs of PostgreSQL.

8.7.1 the :on_delete option

The :on_delete option specifies the behavior of referencing rows when a referenced row is deleted. Following is the available values.

  • PostgreSQL clause: ON DELETE CASCADE
  • description: The referencing rows will be deleted.
  • PostgreSQL clause: ON DELETE SET NULL
  • description: The foreign key of referencing rows will be set as NULL.
  • PostgreSQL clause: ON DELETE RESTRICT
  • description: Prevent deletion of a referenced row.
:nothing (default behavior)
  • PostgreSQL clause: NO ACTION
  • description: Do nothing. (It will cause an error when checking constrains.)

8.7.2 the :on_update option

Because primary key won't be changed after the record has been created, this option isn't used frequently.

The :on_update option specifies the behavior of referencing rows when the column of a referenced rows is updated. Following is the available values.

  • PostgreSQL clause: ON UPDATE CASCADE
  • description: The foreign key of referencing rows will be updated according to the referenced rows.
  • PostgreSQL clause: ON UPDATE SET NULL
  • description: The foreign key of referencing rows will be set as NULL.
  • PostgreSQL clause: ON UPDATE RESTRICT
  • description: Prevent update of a referenced row.
:nothing (default behavior)
  • PostgreSQL clause: NO ACTION
  • description: Do nothing. (It will cause an error when checking constrains.)

8.8 Practices

8.8.1 ensure migrations can be rolled back

When adding a new migration, we should ensure that we can roll them back.

Generally, Ecto can infer the rollback behavior of change/0 function in the migrations. When it can't, consider using up/0 and down/0.

8.8.2 should I editing an existing migration?

If the migration hasn't been committed to VCS, you are free to edit an existing one.

If the migration has been committed and you are not the only one in the team, you'd better creating a new one.

8.10 Last

The database is ready, it's time to insert data into it.

9 Ecto.Repo

Ecto.Repo provides basic API for communicating with database.

9.1 The Repository Pattern

Ecto adopts The Repository Pattern for accessing underlying data store. In this pattern, there's a role called Repository who controls all the communications between Ecto and data store.

The general lifecyle of queries looks like:

  1. All the queries are submitted to the Repository.
  2. The Repository transforms the queries and send them to data store.
  3. The Repository handles the responses from data store and transforms them into easy-to-use format.

The keypoint is the Repository acts as a gateway of data store. When you want to make changes to data store, talk to Repository.

9.2 Repository in Ecto

Ecto.Repo is the so-called Repository in Ecto.

But, Ecto.Repo isn't used directly. It should be used in a self-created module. When creating the sample application, we have created the module called Paper.Repo.

For brevity, in the following sections, I will use Repo to represent the self-created module - Paper.Repo, and use Ecto.Repo to represent the original module.

9.3 Low level API for CRUD

Repo provides low level API to complete CRUD operations directly.

Operation Name Function Name
CREATE Repo.insert_all
READ Repo.query (an alias for Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query/4)
UPDATE Repo.update_all
DELETE Repo.delete_all

All *_all functions support :returning option for selecting which fields to return. Read their documents for more details.

When using Repo.query. you will find the return value is hard to parse. And, working with SQL directly is clumsy and unsafe (SQL injection).

Ecto.Query is the better choice for queries.

9.4 Extending Repo

Repo is a regular Elixir module, we can extend it as normal. It is useful when we want to:

  • encapsulate tediously long options for particular functions.
  • add functions that Ecto doesn't support currently.

For example, adding a counting function:

defmodule Paper.Repo do
  use Ecto.Repo,
    otp_app: :paper,
    adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres

  def count(table) do
    aggregate(table, :count, :id)

Call the added function:


9.5 Last

Read more details at h Ecto.Repo.

10 Ecto.Schema

Ecto.Schema provides DSL for mapping data source to Elixir structs.

10.1 Creating schemas

Like creating a migration, when creating a schema, we generally define following things:

  1. table names
  2. fields (name, type/relationship, default value)

10.1.1 creating a context first

A context is a concept introduced by Phoenix. It is a dedicated module that expose and group related functionality.

Here, we will just create a context without talking much about it. If you are interested in the details of contexts, please read the official docs.

Our context will be named as CMS. Now, let's create it by editing lib/paper/cms.ex:

defmodule Paper.CMS do

So far, the context is empty, because we have no public API for this context.

10.1.2 association related macros

Ecto.Schema provides following macros for indicating the associations between schemas:

relationship macros
one-to-one has_one / belongs_to
one-to-many has_many / belongs_to
many-to-many many_to_many with :join_through option

It's hard to understand them without any example. Next, we will create necessary schemas step by step. When you have questions about them, please read respective documents like h Ecto.Schema.many_to_many.

10.1.3 creating a schema for authors

Edit lib/paper/cms/author.ex:

defmodule Paper.CMS.Author do
  use Ecto.Schema

  alias Paper.CMS.Post

  schema "authors" do
    field :name, :string
    field :bio, :string
    has_many :posts, Post


schema and field do two things:

  1. define the mapping between schema and database.
  2. define a struct for current schema.

10.1.4 creating a schema for permalinks

Edit lib/paper/cms/permalink.ex:

defmodule Paper.CMS.Permalink do
  use Ecto.Schema

  alias Paper.CMS.Post

  schema "permalinks" do
    belongs_to :post, Post
    field :url, :string


10.1.5 creating a schema for comments

Edit lib/paper/cms/comment.ex:

defmodule Paper.CMS.Comment do
  use Ecto.Schema

  alias Paper.CMS.Post

  schema "comments" do
    belongs_to :post, Post
    field :nickname, :string
    field :email, :string
    field :body, :string


10.1.6 creating a schema for tags

Edit lib/paper/cms/tag.ex:

defmodule Paper.CMS.Tag do
  use Ecto.Schema

  alias Paper.CMS.Post

  schema "tags" do
    many_to_many :posts, Post, join_through: "posts_tags"
    field :name, :string


10.1.7 creating a schema for posts

Edit lib/paper/cms/post.ex:

defmodule Paper.CMS.Post do
  use Ecto.Schema

  alias Paper.CMS.Author
  alias Paper.CMS.Permalink
  alias Paper.CMS.Comment
  alias Paper.CMS.Tag

  schema "posts" do
    belongs_to :author, Author
    has_one :permalink, Permalink
    has_many :comments, Comment
    many_to_many :tags, Tag, join_through: "posts_tags"

    field :title, :string
    field :body, :string


10.1.8 available field types

built-in types
Read more details at Primative types section in h Ecto.Schema.
custom types
Read more details at Custom types section in h Ecto.Schema.

10.2 Starting IEx

We have created all required schemas, it is time to do some experiments with them.

Before starting IEx, it is better to add configurations for it. The configurations help us type less every time we starting IEx.

Edit .iex.exs:

import Ecto.Query

alias Paper.Repo
alias Paper.CMS.{Author, Permalink, Tag, Comment, Post}

Now, let's start it:

$ iex -S mix

10.3 CRUD

10.3.1 insert

Ecto provides following functions which can be used with schemas:

  • Repo.insert
  • Repo.insert!
  • Repo.insert_all
  • Repo.insert_or_update
  • Repo.insert_or_update! inserting without association

Authors and tags can be inserted without associations:

# insert authors
%Author{name: "Spike", bio: "I have a cool name!"}  |> Repo.insert()
%Author{name: "Julia", bio: "I have a beautiful name!"}  |> Repo.insert()
Repo.count("authors") #=> 2

%Tag{name: "Life"} |> Repo.insert()
%Tag{name: "Art"} |> Repo.insert()
%Tag{name: "Religion"} |> Repo.insert()
Repo.count("tags") #=> 3

But, there's a problem here - the data is NOT validated before inserting to database. This means we can insert anything we want. Try to insert a piece of useless data:

%Author{name: "", bio: ""}  |> Repo.insert()

Obviously, above useless data is not what we want. If you want to validate the data before inserting to database, Ecto.Changeset which will be introduced later is needed. inserting with associations

Inserting with associations needs Ecto.Changeset which will be introduced later.

10.3.2 query

Ecto provides following functions which can be used with schemas:

  • Repo.all
  • Repo.one
  • Repo.one!
  • Repo.get
  • Repo.get!
  • Repo.get_by
  • Repo.get_by!

Query the data we have inserted to database:

Repo.get(Author, 2)
Repo.get_by(Author, %{name: "Julia"})
# ...

If you need build complex query, try to use Ecto.Query which will be introduced later.

10.3.3 update

Ecto provides following functions which can be used with schemas:

  • Repo.update
  • Repo.update!
  • Repo.update_all

Updating needs Ecto.Changeset which will be introduced later.

10.3.4 delete

Ecto provides following functions which can be used with schemas:

  • Repo.delete
  • Repo.delete!
  • Repo.delete_all

Delete one author:

author = Repo.get_by(Author, %{name: ""})

case Repo.delete(author) do
  {:ok, _author} ->
    "Deleted successfully."
  {:error, _changeset} ->
    "Something went wrong."

10.4 Last

As you see, without Ecto.Changeset, we can't insert or update data reliably.

Next, we will introduce Ecto.Changeset.

11 Ecto.Changeset

Ecto.Changeset encapsulates the whole policy for changing data, including allowed fields, detecting changes and validations.

In short, it defines the updating policies which make sure the database is changed safely.

11.1 About %Ecto.Changeset{}

%Ecto.Changeset{} is the struct holding all the changes which will be performed to the database.

For brevity, in the following sections, I will use %Changeset{} instead of %Ecto.Changeset{}.

11.2 Basics

General updating process is broke up into 3 stages:

  1. getting changes
  2. validating changes
  3. sending changes to database
|> get_changes
|> validate_changes
|> send_changes_to_database

Next, we will talk about each step in detail.

11.3 Getting Changes

The first step is getting changes.

Depending on where the data is coming from, this step can be done in two different ways.

11.3.1 handling external data

External data is the data which is coming outside of your application code, such as:

  • user forms
  • API calls
  • command line
  • CSV file

When working with changes provided external data, we should suppose that the data is dirty, then, cast and filter them into legal changes.

In Ecto:

  • casting means type conversion, like converting string to integer.
  • filtering means removing unused data.

Handling external data can be done with Ecto.Changeset.cast. It casts and filters external data, then convert them into :changes field of %Changeset{}.

params = %{
  "name" => "Vicious",
  "bio" => "I have an evil name!",
  "true_words" => "I want to be a good man."

changeset = cast(%Author{}, params, [:name, :bio])

Read more details at h Ecto.Changeset.cast.

11.3.2 handling internal data

Internal data is the data which is coming from application code.

Because this type of data comes from application code, it's unnecessary to waste time to cast and filter them.

Handling internal data can be done with Ecto.Changeset.change. It merges the internal data into :changes field of %Changeset{} directly, without casting and filtering.

Create a new changeset from a new schema:

import Ecto.Changeset

changeset = change(%Tag{name: "Music"})

Create a changeset from an existing schema:

import Ecto.Changeset

author = %Author{name: "unknown", bio: ""}  |> Repo.insert()
changeset = change(author)

# add data when calling change function
changeset = change(author, name: "Vicious")
changeset = change(author, name: "Vicious", bio: "I have an evil name!")

# change function can be called multiple times
changeset = author
|> change(name: "Vicious")
|> change(bio: "I have a evil name!")

Read more details at h Ecto.Changeset.change.

11.3.3 last

After getting changes, we have a %Changeset{} which represents changes.

11.4 Validating Changes

When working with changes provided by external data, we should also validate the changes before sending the to database.

Ecto provides two kinds of utilities for validating. They perform similar functions, but differ in implementation:

  • validations
  • constraints

11.4.1 validations

Validations are functions provided by Ecto.Changeset. They accept a changeset, return a changeset. built-in validations

Built-in validations are in form of Ecto.Changeset.validate_*.

params = %{
  "name" => "x"

changeset =
  |> cast(params, [:name, :bio])
  |> validate_required([:name, :bio])
  |> validate_length(:name, min: 3, max: 50)

changeset.valid? #=> false

When passing all the validations, changeset.valid? will be true. Or, changeset.valid? will be false, and the details of validation error can be found at changeset.errors. custom validations

Ecto provides support for custom validations in case that you need validtions which are not supported by it.

Read more details at h Ecto.Changeset.validate_change.

11.4.2 constraints

Like validations, contraints are functions provided by Ecto.Changeset, too. It allows developers to use underlying relational database features to maintain database integrity. Such as, preventing duplicated username in a user management system.

They accept a changeset, return a changeset, just like validations.

When using a constraint, you need:

  1. define database constraints
  2. catch constraint errors

Next, we will introduce these 2 steps with unique_constraint/3.

Unlike validations, constraints won't run before hitting database. Instead, they run when Ecto accepts constraint errors returned from database.

Related terminologies:

  • constraint: an explicit constraint in database level. Generally, it is defined via migrations.
  • constraint error: the Ecto.ConstraintError. It occurs when Ecto detecting a constraint problem issued by database.
  • changeset constraint: an annotation added to the changeset that allows Ecto to convert constraint errors into changeset error messages.
  • changeset error messages: readable error messages for users. defining database constraints

Constraints are enforced by database. Because of that, they should be defined in database level.

In order to manage database constraints, it is better to create them by using migrations. Just like we did when creating migrations.

create unique_index(:authors, [:name]) catching constraint errors

If a constraint error isn't catched, it will be raised as Ecto.ConstraintError.

# create two authors with the same name, which will raise a constraint error.
%Author{name: "Spike", bio: ""} |> Repo.insert()
%Author{name: "Spike", bio: ""} |> Repo.insert()

# (Ecto.ConstraintError) constraint error when attempting to insert struct:
# - authors_name_index (unique_constraint)
# If you would like to stop this constraint violation from raising an
# exception and instead add it as an error to your changeset, please
# call `unique_constraint/3` on your changeset with the constraint
# `:name` as an option.
# The changeset has not defined any constraint.

In order to catch it, an Ecto.Changeset.*_constraint-like function should be used:

%Author{name: "Spike", bio: ""}
|> change()
|> unique_constraint(:name)
|> Repo.insert()

#=> {:error, changeset}

As you can see, Ecto.ConstraintError is catched and transformed as an error in changeset.

11.4.3 execution rules of validations and constraints

  1. execute all of valiations in order:
    1. if succeed to execute one validation, execute next validation.
    2. if failed to execute one validation, execute next validation, too. But, all of constraints will not be executed any more.
  2. execute all of constraints in order:
    1. if succeed to execute one constraint, execute another constraint.
    2. if failed to execute one constraint, the rest of constraints will not be executed any more.

11.4.4 mixins

Mixins are functions mix the features of validations and constraints. They have following features:

  • their execution rules are same as validations.
  • they communicates with database to validating values.

Mixin is not a terminology in Ecto. I name them in this way, personally. Ecto.Changeset.unsafe_validate_unique

Read details at h Ecto.Changeset.unsafe_validate_unique.

Ecto.Changeset.unsafe_validate_unique isn't a replacement of Ecto.Changeset.unique_constraint. It just used for providing a early feedback for users. Generally, it is used in this way:

|> cast(params, [:name, :bio])
|> validate_required(:name)
|> unsafe_validate_unique(:name, Repo)
|> validate_length(:name, min: 3)
|> unique_constraint(:name)

11.4.5 rendering errors

Ecto doesn't provide solutions for rendering changeset.errors. When you need to render them, consider using Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors.

11.5 Sending Changes to database

Last step, send %Changeset{} to database with functions provided by Repo, such as Repo.insert, Repo.update, etc.

11.6 Adding updating policies for schemas

We have known all the necessary things about Ecto.Changeset. It's time to write update policies for schemas.

11.6.1 Adding updating policy for Author

Edit lib/paper/cms/author.ex:

import Ecto.Changeset
alias Paper.Repo

@doc false
def changeset(author, attrs) do
  |> cast(attrs, [:name, :bio])
  |> validate_required(:name)
  |> validate_length(:name, min: 3, max: 50)
  |> validate_length(:bio, max: 400)
  |> unsafe_validate_unique(:name, Repo)
  |> unique_constraint(:name)

11.6.2 Adding updating policy for Post

Edit lib/paper/cms/post.ex:

import Ecto.Changeset

@doc false
def changeset(post, attrs) do
  |> cast(attrs, [:title, :body])
  |> validate_required([:title, :body])
  |> validate_length(:title, min: 3, max: 50)

11.6.3 Adding updating policy for Permalink

Edit lib/paper/cms/permalink.ex:

import Ecto.Changeset
alias Paper.Repo

@doc false
def changeset(permalink, attrs) do
  |> cast(attrs, [:url])
  |> validate_required(:url)
  |> unsafe_validate_unique(:url, Repo)
  |> unique_constraint(:url)

11.6.4 Adding updating policy for Comment

Edit lib/paper/cms/comment.ex:

import Ecto.Changeset

@doc false
def changeset(comment, attrs) do
  |> cast(attrs, [:nickname, :email, :body])
  |> validate_required([:nickname, :email, :body])
  |> validate_length(:nickname, min: 3, max: 50)
  |> validate_length(:email, max: 200)

11.6.5 Adding updating policy for Tag

Edit lib/paper/cms/tag.ex:

import Ecto.Changeset
alias Paper.Repo

@doc false
def changeset(tag, attrs) do
  |> cast(attrs, [:name])
  |> validate_required([:name])
  |> validate_length(:name, min: 3, max: 50)
  |> unsafe_validate_unique(:name, Repo)
  |> unique_constraint(:name)

11.7 Last

Read more details at Ecto.Changeset.

12 Filling the Context

We have created:

It's time to put them together.

Open lib/paper/cms.ex, add general CRUD functions:

defmodule Paper.CMS do
  @doc """
  The CMS context.

  alias Paper.Repo
  alias Paper.CMS.Author
  alias Paper.CMS.Post
  alias Paper.CMS.Comment
  alias Paper.CMS.Permalink
  alias Paper.CMS.Tag

  @doc false
  def list_authors do

  @doc false
  def get_author!(id), do: Repo.get!(Author, id)

  @doc false
  def create_author(attrs \\ %{}) do
    |> Author.changeset(attrs)
    |> Repo.insert()

  @doc false
  def update_author(%Author{} = author, attrs) do
    |> Author.changeset(attrs)
    |> Repo.update()

  @doc false
  def delete_author(%Author{} = author) do

  @doc false
  def change_author(%Author{} = author, attrs \\ %{}) do
    Author.changeset(author, attrs)

  # Create rest functions for other schemas by youself.

13 Ecto.Query

Ecto.Query provides DSL for querying. It makes querying simple and elegant.

  • Ecto.Query provides all available keywords.
  • Ecto.Query.API provides all available functions.

13.1 Syntax

There are two types of syntax when using Ecto.Query:

  • keyword syntax
  • expression syntax

Following SQL can be wrote into above two types of syntax:

SELECT a.name, a.bio FROM authors AS a

13.1.1 keyword syntax

query = from a in "authors", select: [a.name, a.bio]


13.1.2 expression syntax

query = "authors" |> select([a], [a.name, a.bio])


13.1.3 How to choose syntax?

The syntax you choose depends on your taste and the problems you're solving:

  • keyword syntax: convenient for pulling together ad-hoc queries and solving one-off problems.
  • expression syntax: better for building an application's unique complex layered query API.

Each syntax has its advantages.

– Programming Phoenix

Personally, I think the keyword syntax is more convinient to write. Because of that, following queries will be wrote in Keyword Syntax.

13.2 Basic usage

A query is created and used in following steps:

  1. creating a query
  2. committing a query

13.2.1 creating a query

When creating a query, you can use a table name string or a schema. All of them have implemented Ecto.Queryable protocol.

Use a table name string:

query = from a in "authors", where: a.id == 2, select: [:name]

If not using a schema when building a query, the :select option is required. Or, Ecto will raise an error.

Use a schema:

query = from a in Author, where: a.id == 2

13.2.2 committing a query

Use Repo.all, Repo.one and so on for committing a query:


13.3 Debugging

Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql/3 is used for translating a query to corresponding SQL statement. We can use this function to help us inspecting the details of queries.

For example:

query = from a in "authors", where: a.id == 2, select: [:name]

Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql(:all, Repo, query)
#=> {"SELECT a0.\"name\" FROM \"authors\" AS a0 WHERE (a0.\"id\" = 2)", []}

# equal to
Repo.to_sql(:all, query)
#=> {"SELECT a0.\"name\" FROM \"authors\" AS a0 WHERE (a0.\"id\" = 2)", []}

13.4 Dynamic values

13.4.1 pin operator

In Ecto, ^ (pin operator) is used for marking values or expressions that need interpolation in an Ecto query.

^ is named as "caret" in English.

When Ecto.Query is converted into a SQL statement, values and expressions marked by ^ will become parameterized values.

Parameterized values provides protection against SQL-injection attacks.

An example:

author_name = "Spike"
query = from "authors", where: [name: ^author_name], select: [:id, :name]
#=> SELECT a0."id", a0."name" FROM "authors" AS a0 WHERE (a0."name" = $1) ["Spike"]

13.4.2 type conversion

author_id = 2
query = from "authors", where: [id: ^author_id], select: [:name]
#=> [%{name: "Spike"}]​

author_id = "2"
query = from "authors", where: [id: ^author_id], select: [:name]
#=> Type Error, you have to make type conversion manually.

artist_id = "2"
query = from "authors", where: [id: type(^author_id, :integer)], select: [:name]
#=> [%{name: "Spike"}]​

type function is defined in Ecto.Query.API.

Now, type conversion seems tedious. But, after using Schema, the conversion will be done automatically.

13.5 Query bindings

A query binding is a variable referring to the table of the query. You can treat it as table alias in SQL.

There are two types of bindings:

  • positional bindings
  • named bindings

Read more details at Composition section in h Ecto.Query.

13.5.1 which one should I use?

When a query is small, using positional bindings would be fine.

But, when a query is large and contains joins across several tables, using positional bindings would make tracking bindings difficult. Therefore, named bindings is preferred.

13.6 Query API

Read h Ecto.Query.API for a complete list of all available API.

13.7 Raw SQL

Best abstractions offer escape hatch.

– Programming Phoenix

Ecto can't represent all possible queries with its own syntax, so it provides two backup plans:

  1. Ecto.Query.API.fragment/1: generate a SQL fragment which can be inserted into a Ecto query.
  2. Repo.query / Repo.query!: run a raw SQL with parameterized values.

Read more details in their docs.

Although Ecto.Query.API.fragment/1 is a function provided by h Ecto.Query.API, but I still put it in this section because of their correlation.

13.8 Filtering with where

Ecto.Query provides two macros for filtering:

  • where
  • or_where

13.9 Combining results with unions

When using unions, the two queries need to have result sets with the same column names and data type.

Supported unions:

macro name description
union remove duplicated items.
union_all don't remove duplicated items, faster.
intersect remove duplicated items.
intersect_all don't remove duplicated items, faster.
except remove duplicated items.
except_all don't remove duplicated items, faster.

13.10 Ordering with order_by

Read more details at h Ecto.Query.order_by.

When sorting rows by multiple columns specified by order_by, the records will grouped and sorted by first column, then by the second column, and so on.

When ordering, you should also notice NULL value. Some databases put them first, others put them last. If you want to control the order explicitly, try following options:

  • :asc_nulls_last
  • :asc_nulls_first
  • :desc_nulls_last
  • :desc_nulls_first

13.11 Grouping with group_by

When you want to filtering rows after grouping, you should use having and or_having, rather than where and or_where.

Read more details at h Ecto.Query.group_by.

13.12 Joins

Joins are required when query across multiple tables at once.

Read more details at h Ecto.Query.join.

13.13 Composable Queries

Ecto queries are composable. This feature can help us to break large queries into small reusable queries. Small queries are easy to read and maintain, which is good for us.

The small reusable queries are composed into a query via Ecto.Queryable protocol.

Read more details at Composition section in h Ecto.Query.

13.14 Using a schema

As you see, we are using table name string in above queries. But, with a schema, we can get better experiences, because it contains:

  • the type info of fields, therefore, type conversion can be done automatically.
  • the list of fields, therefore, :select option isn't necessary when querying.

Give it an example. Without a schema, we have to do type conversion and specify the :select manually:

author_id = "2"
query = from "authors",
  where: [id: type(^author_id, :integer)],
  select: [:name]


With a schema, query can be simpler:

author_id = "2"
query = from Author, where: [id: ^author_id]


13.15 Tips

13.15.1 specifying data structure with :select option

:select option is not only for specifying the fields returned, but also the data structure returned.

query = from a in "authors", where: a.id == 2, select: [a.name]
#=> [["Spike"]]
query = from a in "authors", where: a.id == 2, select: %{name: a.name}
#=> [%{name: "Spike"}]

The output become a list of map now.

13.15.2 other ways to use queries

Besides reading data, queries can be used with Repo.*_all functions for updating or deleting data.

from a in "authors", where: a.bio == ""
|> Repo.update_all(set: [bio: "Hello World!"])

from a in "authors", where: a.bio == "Hello World!"
|> Repo.delete_all()

By using queries in this way, we can update or delete data precisely.

13.16 Last

Read more at h Ecto.Query.

14 Association

Relational Database Management System like PostgreSQL does a lot of works to help developers define and enforce the relationships between tables.

Instead of treating the database as dumb storage, Ecto uses the strengths of the database to help keeping the data consistent.

– Programming Phoenix

So far, we have talked about data without associations. Now, let's introduce data with associations.

In this chapter, we will use the associtaion between authors and posts as the example:

  • one author has many posts.
  • one post belongs to one author.

And, records in authors table are called as parent records, and records in posts table are called as children records.

Q: How to distinguish parent from child?

A: At schema level, the schema that calls has_* is the parent schema, the one calls belongs_to is the child schema. At database level, the table contains foreign key is the child table, another table is the parent table.

14.1 What is association?

Ecto not only supports relational database, but also other types of data sources. Because of that, it's not suitable to describe the relationship between data sources by the terminology - relationship which has been used in relational database.

Association is the term which is used by Ecto to describe the relationship between data sources. You can think it as a superset of relationship.

14.2 Insert / Update

When inserting or updating records, there's two questions should be answered first:

  1. What is the type of records? parent or child?
  2. If the type is child, how many children records do you want to insert or update?

14.2.1 insert / update a parent record

Just insert or update it, nothing to say.

14.2.2 insert a child record

When inserting a child record, Ecto.build_assoc is a great choice. You pass it a parent record and the name of association. It returns a new generated child record with the foreign key setting to the parent record:

author = Repo.get_by(Author, name: "Spike")

# bulid a new child record without filling fields
Ecto.build_assoc(author, :posts)
|> Repo.insert!()

# bulid a new child record with filling fields
Ecto.build_assoc(author, :posts, %{title: "Hello World!", body: "..."})
|> Repo.insert!()

# bulid a new child record with filling fields by change()
Ecto.build_assoc(author, :posts)
|> change(%{title: "Hello World", body: "..."})
|> Repo.insert!()

Use Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc:

author = Repo.get_by(Author, name: "Spike")

%Post{title: "Hello world", body: "..."}
|> change()
|> put_assoc(:author, author)
|> Repo.insert!()

We can also set author_id field directly.

Use struct:

author = Repo.get_by(Author, name: "Spike")

%Post{title: "Hello world", body: "", author_id: author.id}
|> Repo.insert!()

Use Ecto.Changeset.put_change:

author = Repo.get_by(Author, name: "Spike")

%Post{title: "Hello world", body: ""}
|> change()
# It is same with =Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc=, but more verbose.
|> put_change(:author_id, author.id)
|> Repo.insert!()

14.2.3 update a child record

Get a record, update it with Ecto.Changeset.

14.2.4 handling children records as a whole handling external data

For handling external data, we will use Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc.

Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc works by comparing following data, and generate proper operations.

  • current children records which are preloaded from database.
  • parameters for given association which are retrieved from changeset.params.

It takes a changeset, the name of association, and the optional options:

params = %{
  "posts" => [
    %{"title" => "Hello World", "body" => "..."},
    %{"title" => "Hello World", "body" => "..."}

Repo.get_by(Author, name: "Spike")
|> Repo.preload(:posts)
|> change()
|> cast(params, [])
|> cast_assoc(:posts)
|> Repo.update!()

Read more details at h Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc. handling internal data

For handling internal data, we will use Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc.

Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc works by associating existing children records to current record.

It takes a changeset, the name of association, and the records we want to put into the association:

Repo.get_by(Author, name: "Spike")
|> Repo.preload(:posts) # preload is required
|> change()
|> put_assoc(:posts, [
  %Post{title: "Software Design", body: "..."},
  %Post{title: "Programming Ecto", body: "..."}
|> Repo.update!()

Before making changes to existing associations, the association must be preloaded, just like above example code. But, if the parent record hasn't persisted to database, preloading association can be ignored, such as:

%Author{name: "Vicious"}
|> change()
|> put_assoc(:posts, [
  %Post{title: "12 Principles", body: "..."},
  %Post{title: "Software Design", body: "..."}
|> Repo.insert!()

Read more details at h Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc. handling records which are replaced

When handling children records as a whole, we should consider a question: Which action should be applied on children records which are replaced?

What is meaning of being replaced?

Imagine a author has many posts where the posts has IDs 1, 2 and 3. If you call cast_assoc/3 passing only the IDs 1 and 2. Ecto will consider 3 is being replaced.

Official Doc of Ecto.Changeset

Ecto.Schema.* provides :on_replace option to answer this question:

  • has_one has :raise / :mark_as_invaild / :nilify / :update / :delete.
  • has_many has :raise / :mark_as_invaild / :nilify / :delete.
  • many_to_many has :raise / :mark_as_invaild / :delete.

:on_replace policy is only triggered when calling Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc and Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc. If you don't use them, it's not necessary to set this option.

No matter which :on_replace policy we choose, Ecto will compare the records or parameters we passed in with the persisted children records in database.

As we said before, Ecto doesn't support lazy loading. the persisted children records in database have to be loaded manually.

This is why we need to preload association before calling Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc and Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc.

Read more details in the Associations, embeds and on replace section of h Ecto.Changeset.

14.3 Query

14.3.1 load associations

Associations must be preloaded manually.

Ecto doesn't support lazy loading, we have to preload association manually. It helps to avoid N+1 querying problem.

Load associations when querying:

query = from Author, preload: :posts
authors = Repo.all(query)

Load associations after querying:

authors = Author
|> Repo.all()
|> Repo.preload(:posts)

Above two methods will query database twice regardless of the count of authors:

  • one for getting all authors
  • one for getting all posts

If you wanna get authors and associated posts in one query, join can help you:

query = from a in Author,
  join: p in assoc(a, :posts),
  where: p.title == "Hello World",
  preload: [posts: p]

query = from a in Author,
  join: p in Post,
  on: a.id == p.author_id,
  where: p.title == "Hello World",
  preload: [posts: p]


14.3.2 load associations only

author = Repo.get_by(Author, %{name: "Spike"})

query = Ecto.assoc(author, :posts)

14.3.3 load nested associations

query = from Artist, preload: [posts: :comments]

artists = Repo.all(query)

Ecto will return all artists with posts, and all comments in posts.

14.4 Delete

14.4.1 delete a child record

Get a record, delete it.

14.4.2 delete a parent record

If a parent record has no child record, it is safe to delete it.

But, if a parent record has children records, you have to consider a question: which action should be applied on its children records when deleting the parent record? The :on_delete option of Ecto.Migration.references provides the answer to this question.

has_one / has_many / many_to_many in Ecto.Schema provide :on_delete option, too. But, you SHOULD NEVER USE THEM. Because these options:

  • CAN NOT guarantee database integrity.
  • only triggered by Ecto.Repo.delete/2, not including Ecto.Repo.delete_all/2.

When the relationship between parent and child is has_*, and :nothing policy of :on_delete option is used, Ecto will raise an constraint error when checking constraint. If the error is valuable for users, you can catch this error by Ecto.Changeset.no_assoc_constraint which convert error to human-readable message. Read h Ecto.Changeset.no_assoc_constraint for more details.

14.5 Note for cast / cast_assoc / put_assoc / build_assoc

  • cast_assoc is used for casting external data, it will result in multiple INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE queries.
  • put_assoc is used for defining associations between existing records.
  • build_assoc is used for building a record associated with another record.

Pic from Understanding Associations in Elixir's Ecto

15 Seeding

Seeding is a mechanism to populate tables with relevant data programatically.

In Elixir, we can create a script to do this, and make sure that seed scripts is idempotent, because they may be executed multiple times.

15.1 Handle uniqueness with upsert

You may handling uniqueness problem in this way:

Repo.get_by(Tag, name: "Tech") || Repo.insert!(%Tag{name: "Tech"})

But, above operation is unsafe - not an atomic operation. In certain conditions, Ecto will try to insert two same data at the same time, which will cause a database constraint error.

Instead, we shouldn't handle this uniqueness problem by ourselves. Just insert the data, and let database manage the conflict data - this feature is known as upsert.

In Ecto, the upsert feature is implemented as :on_conflict option of Repo.insert!. A possible example would be:

# ignore conflicting data
Repo.insert!(%Tag{name: "Tech", on_conflict: :nothing})

There are lots of available values for :on_conflict option, read more details at h Repo.insert.

Upsert feature is often database specific, make sure that your database supports it before using.

PS: Choose PostgreSQL, everything will be fine.

15.2 upsert with returning the record

on_conflict: :nothing will only return the struct containing conflict fields. If you insert a tag with specified name, and want to get the tag no matter it's conflict or not, use following code:

# force update on conflict record, which returns the struct with all fields.
  %Tag{name: name},
  on_conflict: {:replace, [:name]},
  conflict_target: :name,
  returning: true

15.3 Populate data with Schema

Data can be inserted with Schema easily, even associated data.

    name: "Jet",
    posts: [
        title: "Hello World!",
        body: "Here you go!"

16 Transactions

Ecto supports transactions through Repo.transcation. There are 2 ways to call this function:

  • with a function containing the operations will be run within the transaction.
  • with Ecto.Multi

16.1 with a function

import Ecto.Changeset, only: [change: 2]

Repo.transaction(fn ->
  Repo.update!(change(alice, balance: alice.balance - 10))
  Repo.update!(change(bob, balance: bob.balance + 10))

When a transaction succeeds, Repo.transaction returns a tuple {:ok, return_value_of_the_function}.

When a transaction fails:

  • if an error is raised from the given function:
    • the transaction will be rolled back automatically.
    • the error will bubble up.
  • if no error is raised from the given function:
    • the transaction will NOT be rolled back automatically. Rollback should be specified explicitly with Repo.rollback/1.
    • Repo.transaction returns a tuple {:error, value_specified_by_Repo_rollback}.

16.2 with Ecto.Multi

Ecto.Multi groups database operations into a data structure. Compare to the plain function described above, it has some advantages:

  • you don't have to call Repo functions in the correct way carefully.
  • write less code.
  • easy to read.
alias Ecto.Multi

multi = Multi.new
|> Multi.update(:from, change(alice, balance: alice.balance - 10))
|> Multi.update(:to, change(bob, balance: bob.balance + 10))

Always create %Ecto.Multi{} with Ecto.Multi.new/0 rather than %Ecto.Multi{}.

When a transaction succeeds, Repo.transaction returns a tuple with :ok and a map. The keys in the map are the unique names we provided to each operation in the Multi. The values are the return values for each of those operations. This makes it easy for us to grab the return values of any or all of the operations we ran.

When a transaction fails and you are using changesets, Repo.transaction returns a tuple with 4 items:

  • :error
  • the failed operation name, like above :from or :to
  • the value that caused failure
  • a map containing changes to database (the changes have been rolled back, but Ecto provides them for you to inspect)

Ecto is designed to not waste database time. If the Ecto.Multi contains operations that use changesets, Ecto will make sure all the changesets are valid. If any are not, Ecto will not run a transaction at all.

When a transaction fails with an raised error:

  • the transaction will be rolled back automatically.
  • the error will bubble up.

16.3 which one should I use?

If you are only running a small number of operations and don't need to take different action depending on which operation succeeds or fails, using transaction with a function is enough.

For all other cases, you should consider Ecto.Multi. It has a lot more flexibility, and the code needed to respond to different types of errors will be much cleaner and easier to follow.

– Programming Ecto

16.4 executing non-database operations

Because Ecto don't know how to rollback non-database operations, you should run all of database operations first, then run non-database operations.

16.4.1 with a function

Using Ecto.Multi for non-database operations is recommended.

16.4.2 with Ecto.Multi

Read h Ecto.Multi.run for more details.

16.5 introspecting Ecto.Multi

%Ecto.Multi{} is a data structure that can be introspected.

Ecto team discourages inspecting or manipulating %Ecto.Multi{} directly, because the exact structure is subject to change.

Ecto team provides a function to introspect operations stored in %Ecto.Multi{}, read more details at Ecto.Multi.to_list/1.

17 Appendix

17.1 Naming conventions

  • Migration
    • tables' name - pluralized_name
  • Schema
    • module name - SnakeSingularizedName
    • file name - underscore_singularized_name
    • functions' arguments - attrs
  • Context
    • module - SnakePluralizedName
    • file name - underscore_pluralized_name
    • functions' arguments - attrs

17.2 Related Mix tasks

Repo related:

  • ecto.gen.repo: Generates a new repository.

Database related:

  • ecto.create: Creates the repository storage.
  • ecto.drop: Drops the repository storage.

Dump related:

  • ecto.dump: Dumps the repository database structure.
  • ecto.load: Loads previously dumped database structure.

Migration related:

  • ecto.gen.migration: Generates a new migration for the repo.
  • ecto.migrations: Displays the repository migration status.
  • ecto.migrate: Runs the repository migrations.
  • ecto.rollback: Rolls back the repository migrations.

Common aliases:

  • ecto.setup - An alias defined in mix.exs, generally:
    • mix ecto.create
    • mix ecto.migrate
    • mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
  • ecto.reset - An alias defined in mix.exs, generally:
    • mix ecto.drop
    • mix ecto.setup

17.3 Schema related tips

17.3.1 #1

In Ecto, a table is not coupled to only one schema, developers are allowed to create more than one schema for a table.

17.3.2 #2

In Ecto, a schema is not coupled to only one update policy, developers is allowed to create more than one update policies for a schema. Each update policy has its own function which is filled with functions provided by Ecto.Changeset.

17.4 Adding Indexes

Although adding indexes makes insertions become slower, but it makes queries faster. So, in general applications(more queries than writes), it is still a good idea for adding it.

Generally, indexes are added to following columns:

  • primary keys
  • foreign keys
  • columns need to be lookup
  • columns need to be sorted
  • columns which are used with GROUP BY

By default, indexes of primary keys are created by Ecto automatically. But, indexes for foreign keys and other columns must be created by using Ecto.Migration.index manually.

Common indexes:

  • unique indexes
  • sorted indexes
  • partial indexes
  • covering indexes

Read more at:

17.5 About timestamps

By default, Ecto use :naive_datetime. But, I recommend using :utc_datetime or :utc_datetime_usec.

Migration Type PostgreSQL Data Type Elixir Type
:utc_datetime_usec timestamp without time zone DateTime
:utc_datetime timestamp without time zone(0) DateTime
:naive_datetime_usec timestamp without time zone NaiveDateTime
:naive_datetime timestamp without time zone(0) NaiveDateTime

Q: What is the meaning of (0)?

A: (0) means second precision. The microsecond part of timestamp is dropped.

17.5.1 Use :utc_datetime_usec globally

Apply on Migrations via configuration of Repo:

config :paper, Paper.Repo, migration_timestamps: [type: :utc_datetime_usec]

Apply on schemas according to official docs:

# Define a module to be used as base
defmodule Paper.Schema do
  defmacro __using__(_) do
    quote do
      use Ecto.Schema

      @timestamps_opts [type: :utc_datetime_usec]

# Use MyApp.Schema to define new schemas
defmodule Paper.CMS.Comment do
  use Paper.Schema

  schema "comments" do

17.5.2 Use :utc_datetime_usec locally

Apply on Migrations:

defmodule Paper.Repo.Migrations.CreateComments do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table("comments") do
      # ...

      timestamps(type: :utc_datetime_usec)

Apply on Schemas:

defmodule Paper.CMS.Comment do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "comments" do
    # ...

    timestamps(type: :utc_datetime_usec)

17.6 About using UUID as id globally

When using auto-incrementing number as primary keys, it introduces some problems:

  1. SCALING PROBLEM: At any given moment only one database server can generate the primary key. That means all writes have to go through a single server. That's bad news if you want to do thousands of writes per second.
  2. SECURITY PROBLEM: Bots and bad actors can guess private URLs.

How using UUIDs as primary keys solve the problems?

  1. SOLVE SCALING PROBLEM: All writes no longer have to go through a single database. You can spread them out across many servers. In addition they give you the flexibility to do things like generate the id of a record before its saved to the database. This might be useful if you want to send the record to a cache or search server, but don't want to wait for the database transaction to complete.
  2. SECURITY PROBLEM: UUID is random in personal view. It is hard to guess.

– Summarized from Simple tips to make scaling your database easier as you grow

Setup migrations:

config :paper, Paper.Repo, migration_primary_key: [name: :id, type: :binary_id]

Setup schemas:

# Define a module to be used as base
defmodule Paper.Schema do
  defmacro __using__(_) do
    quote do
      use Ecto.Schema
      @primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
      @foreign_key_type :binary_id

# Now use Paper.CMS.Schema to define new schemas
defmodule Paper.CMS.Comment do
  use Paper.Schema

  schema "comments" do
    belongs_to :post, Paper.CMS.Post

Then, just write any other things like before.


By default, the UUID is generated by Elixir, if you want to generate UUID by database, read Ecto and Binary IDs Generated By PostgreSQL.

17.7 About using enum in Ecto

17.7.1 method 1 - use builtin feature

Ecto 3.5 was released in October 2020, and it included the new Ecto.Enum module. A migration:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddRoleToUsers do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up do
    execute("CREATE TYPE user_role AS ENUM ('admin', 'moderator', 'seller', 'buyer')")

    alter table(:users) do
      add :role, :user_role

  def down do
    alter table(:users) do
      remove :role, :user_role

    execute("DROP TYPE user_role")

A schema:

defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field :role, Ecto.Enum, values: [:admin, :moderator, :seller, :buyer]

17.7.2 method 2 - use EctoEnum

# lib/my_app/accounts/user_role.ex
defmodule MyApp.Accounts.UserRole do
  use EctoEnum, type: :user_role, enums: [:admin, :moderator, :seller, :buyer]

# lib/my_app/accounts/user.ex
defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
  use Ecto.Schema
  alias MyApp.Accounts.UserRole

  schema "users" do
    field :role, UserRole

# priv/repo/migrations/20210102193646_add_role_to_users.exs
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddRoleToUsers do
  use Ecto.Migration
  alias MyApp.Accounts.UserRole

  def change do

    alter table(:users) do
      add :role, :user_role

17.8 Setting default value for fields?

17.8.1 set default value in database level

Set default value for columns by using :default option of add macro in Ecto.Migration.

Furthermore, the default value set in this way is used when inserting new rows, including:

  • insert new rows.
  • insert new columns for existing rows.

17.8.2 set default value in application level

There're two ways to set default value in application level:

  • use :default option of field macro in Ecto.Schema.
  • use Ecto.Changeset.put_change or similar functions.

Default values set by :default option will be evaluated at compilation time, so you shouldn't use them if you need dynamic values.

If you need dynamic values, Ecto.Changeset.put_change or similar functions is preferred.

17.8.3 which one should I use?

If you have multiple applications using the same database, and:

  • if they need same default values, default values can be set in schemas or migrations.
  • if they need different default values, default values should be set in schemas.

If you only have one application, default values can be set in schemas or migrations.

When possible, I prefer using schemas. Because in this way, I can reduce the frequency of changing database, which makes me iterate application faster.

17.9 Commonly used constraints

We have known the usage of unique_constraint/3. In this section, we will introduce other commonly used constraints.

17.9.1 foreign_key_constraint/3

This function checks foreign key constraint in the given field.

When inserting / updating a post, check if the foreign key is valid:

|> change()
|> foreign_key_constraint(:author_id)
|> Repo.insert!()

When deleting a author, check if there's no associated post:

|> change()
|> foreign_key_constraint(
  name: :posts_author_id_fkey,
  message: "still exists"
|> Repo.delete!()

As you can see, using foreign_key_contraint/3 when deleting a record, we have to define the contraint name manually. That is verbose. So I prefer using no_assoc_constraint/3.

17.9.2 assoc_constraint/3

This function checks if the associated field exists. It is generally used when inserting or updating record.

assoc_constraint/3 is similar to foreign_key_constraint/3, but field of foreign key is inferred from association definition rather than being specified exactly.

When inserting / updating a post, check if the foreign key is valid:

|> change()
|> assoc_constraint(:author) // infer the foreign key from association name
|> Repo.insert!()

17.9.3 no_assoc_constraint/3

Check the associated field doesn't exist. It is generally used when deleting record.

Define the foreign key:

create table("posts") do
  add :author_id, references("authors")

When deleting a record, ensure that no child exists:

|> change()
|> no_assoc_constraint(:posts)
|> Repo.delete!()

17.10 Don't use constraints all the time

Using changeset constraints only makes sense if the error message can be something the user can take action on.

– Programming Ecto

Constraints are useful when converting errors into human-readable messages. But you don't have to use them all the time.

Give it an example.

In our blogging system, every comment belongs to a post. If not, it can only be a bug in our application or a data-integrity issue. In such case, the user can do nothing to fix the error, so crashing is the best option. You shouldn't convert such kind of errors into human-readable messages any more. Although you convert them, and notify users, users can do nothing to fix these errors.

17.11 Common use cases of Ecto

  • Data validation
  • Database interaction

In order to split the concerns, official team created two packages:

  • ecto
  • ecto_sql

18 License

Except the quotes, the rest parts of this book are restricted by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.